China Development Bank
China Development Bank (CDB or the Bank), established in 1994, is a state-funded and state-owned development finance institution operating as an independent legal entity under the direct leadership of the State Council. The Bank is dedicated to supporting China’s economic development in key industries and underdeveloped sectors.
Committed to strengthening national competitiveness and improving people’s livelihood, the Bank aligns its business focus with China’s major medium- and long-term economic development strategies by leveraging its unrivalled position as a leading bank for medium- and long-term financing and comprehensive financial services, so as to raise and channel economic resources in support of the following areas:
(1) Economic and social development, including infrastructure, basic industries, pillar industries, public services and management;
(2) New urbanization, urban-rural integration, and balanced regional development;
(3) Programs vital for national competitiveness, including energy conservation, environmental protection, high-end manufacturing, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries;
(4) Public welfare, including affordable housing, poverty alleviation, student loans, and inclusive finance;
(5) National strategies including those in science and technology, culture, and people-to-people exchange;
(6) International cooperation, including the Belt and Road Initiative, industrial capacity and equipment manufacturing projects, infrastructure connectivity, energy and resources, and Chinese enterprises “Going Global”;
(7) Initiatives that support China’s development needs and economic and financial reforms;
(8) and other areas as mandated by and aligned with national development strategies and policies.
CDB strives to become a world-class development finance institution and provide sustained support for China’s economic and social development. To this end, it pursues reform and innovation and taps into its strengths as a development finance institution that supports national strategies, operates on market principles with the backing of sovereign credit, and ensures principal safety and modest profitability. CDB never ceases to enhance its own competitiveness, relevance and presence, as well as risk resilience.
1. 國內普通高等院校本科及以上學歷應屆畢業生,獲得國家認可的2022年度畢業證、學位證和就業報到證。
2. 初次就業的海外院校留學歸國人員,在2021年7月1日至2022年6月30日期間取得學歷學位,并于2022年9月30日前取得國家教育部國外學歷學位認證。
3. 符合開發銀行親屬回避政策,需回避的親屬關系包括夫妻關系、直系血親關系、三代以內旁系血親以及近姻親關系。
4. 最終獲得開發銀行錄用資格的畢業生,須滿足上述條件并按時完成入職報到,且未與其他單位建立勞動關系,否則視為本人自動放棄錄用資格,開發銀行不承擔任何責任。
1. 具有中華人民共和國國籍。
2. 遵紀守法,誠實守信,品行端正,具有良好的個人品質,無違法違規違紀行為。
3. 品學兼優,思維活躍,具有較強的學習和創新能力。
4. 樂觀進取,善于溝通,具有良好的團隊協作精神。
5. 身心健康,五官端正,具有較好的儀表和氣質;具有正常履行崗位職責的身體條件,符合《公務員錄用體檢通用標準(試行)》(2017年修訂)、《公務員錄用體檢操作手冊(試行)》(2017年修訂)的相關規定。
1. 本次招聘包括國家開發銀行總行、37家一級分行、4家二級分行及4家控股子公司。報名時間為2021年9月30日0點-10月20日24點(北京時間),統一采取網上報名方式,不接受其他形式的報名。詳情請登錄我行門戶網站(http://www.cdb.com.cn)。
2. 具體招聘條件、工作地點及招聘要求,詳見各單位招聘公告。
3. 應聘者登錄報名系統,輸入18位身份證號(第二代居民身份證),在線填寫報考崗位和個人資料,選擇筆試地點。每位應聘者可選報總行、分行、子公司中的1-2家單位,每家單位可選報1-2個崗位,并選擇是否接受崗位調劑。在提交申請前,可多次登錄報名系統修改報考崗位、個人資料和考試地點,提交申請后上述資料將無法修改,請慎重考慮,確定填寫無誤后提交。同時,請務必牢記報名賬號。
4. 招聘期間,我行將通過招聘系統提示、電子郵件、電話、手機短信等方式與應聘者聯系,請務必確保所提交的聯系方式準確無誤,并保持通信暢通。
5. 應聘者應對填寫內容的真實性負責,如與事實不符,我行有權取消本人應聘和錄用資格,解除相關協議。
6. 報名過程中如出現技術問題,請致電010-58635888-68959(請務必加撥分機)。
7. 筆試將于2021年11月7日在考生報名地點,以集中機考(考生在指定機房統一開展線上筆試)方式開展,請考生根據各地疫情防控相關要求提前做好筆試參考安排。
8. 未獲得筆試、面試資格的應聘者恕不另行通知。
9. 我行僅通過門戶網站和智聯招聘網站發布校園招聘公告及相關信息,其他途徑均未獲得我行授權或許可,請應聘者提高警惕,謹防受騙。
10. 我行從未編輯或出版任何校園招聘考試參考資料,也未指定任何單位和個人編輯或出版。不舉辦也不委托任何單位和個人舉辦考試相關培訓班,請應聘者切勿輕信各類虛假廣告和詐騙信息。
11. 國家開發銀行有權根據崗位需要及報名情況等,調整、取消或終止個別崗位的招聘工作,并對本次招聘享有最終解釋權。
Basic Recruitment Requirements
1. Chinese citizens of both genders.
2. Graduates of Chinese and overseas institutions of higher education.
3. Decent and honest without unlawful behavior and records.
4. Active and creative in thinking and with potential for study and innovation.
5. Optimistic and aspirant, good at communication and team work.
For further information, please log in: http://www.cdb.com.cn
